With sun in her eyes
Sunday, October 14, 2007
the forth celebration for my 18th bdae...
it was a surprise celebration, gary(er hem gary, psp arh remember) appeared at my door step at midnight and told me that he was sorry that i wasnt happy on the previous celebration at chimes bla bla bla and told me that there wasnt even any proper cake. after which a birthday cake was brought out and there came jh, jm,estee and cs. oh gosh surprise! that was really touching.. think the effort of everyone who purposely come down to my hse at midnight ! with jm and cs were playing ard with that pleasuremax condom from the sex envelope, threw it ard( causing my floor to stain with the lubricant,kns) and ended it by filling it with water and threw it down the flat.. LOL.. followed by magic performance by jm... it was ahha hilarious..

gary and gf left because gary was deadbeat.. .then we slack ard my hse, then cs suggested, steamboat( yeah steamboat at 3 am).. so we cab down to bugis for steamboat and then mustafa.. bought perfume-S.. LOL.. lastly cs sent everyone home with cab..

anyway nice surprise guys! thanks a million..
posted by Jessamine @ 5:43 PM  
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