With sun in her eyes
Monday, October 15, 2007
i study in an igloo..
i haven been feeling well these days.. immune system down.. boooo...
and being used to sleeping in an air condition room doesnt help.. and usually before i sleep, i always make sure that im fully covered with the blanket but god knows why every morning the blanket would be on the floor.. sometimes i think my blanket walk.. LOL..

i always forget to bring my jacket along with me when i go to school.. which then result in me trembling during lesson which of cos then led to a cold.. *ah chiew!( hey i rlly sneezed!) BUT LUCKILY and usually my classmates will be nice enough to lend me theirs.. HOWEVER, the air conditioner in sch can be pretty sucky.. like it can be very very cold and even one jacket is not enough... as if we live in an igloo lo..

guess i can only put the blame on me( ahaha akon!) for not wearing extra clothing..both in sch or at home.. boohooo..

sch sucks.. i wish that i can donte go sch tmr.. but ya lo i can only wish!
posted by Jessamine @ 1:34 AM  
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