With sun in her eyes
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The dark knight

This is my second time writing this blog because my laptop does not like me and restarted while i was writing my informal movie review on The dark knight. so anyway this post was supposed to be up on fri, but i was too lazy. HAHA

Back tracking to the movie, The dark knight. i was actually not very keen on watching the movie because frankly speaking i find clown really disturbing. and err im kind of afraid of clown since young. but well, the dark knight is definitely the movie to see this year. It is one of the movie that makes me want to stay put in my seat, wishing to see the full credits.. or rather, i wan to be the last person to get off the cinema. After the 2½ hour movie ended, the only thing running through my mind is: WOW, what an amazing movie. And that takes a lot because im very picky about my movies. The movie was visually impressive, the atmosphere and the effects were outstanding, but overall what made it so good was simple.

The Joker.

Heath Ledger was Phenomenal!!!! His performance was beyond amazing. Not only did he play him with an insanity that is almost incomparable. His character had an dark charisma that drew you to him even as his abhorrish behavior repulsed you. Heath Ledger was simply the star. He was so good that I could have easily watched an entire movie focusing on him but that of cos would lead me into having nightmare because it was just too disturbing. And for your information, H.L actually locked himself in a hotel room for a month to force himself into the realm of a psychopath just to get himself prepare for the role of the joker. Ledger also told reporters he "slept an average of two hours a night" while playing "a psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy ..."I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going. And prescription drugs didn't help", he said. Jack Nicholson( the guy who previously acted the joker) even warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role and Heath Ledger thought landing the demanding role of the Joker was a dream come true but now some think it was a nightmare that led to his tragic sleeping pills overdose death.

i think that Heath Ledger deserves the honorary Oscar everyone has been talking about. He is more than just an actor, but a pure artist, a man who was willing to step out of his own being and become a character for the world's entertainment...and if that isnt commitment...I donte know what is...

Favorite scene: The joker in the nurse dress.

ps: edison chen was in the movie for a pathetic lets say 5 secs? HAHA.. wad a waste on the pretty face. mayb he can be the next joker? wad a joke.
posted by Jessamine @ 5:22 PM  
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