With sun in her eyes
Friday, October 19, 2007

It is bad enough that I got stuck in a bus which is packed like sardine, but to have a guy who “innocently” tried to rest his hand on my butt is an outrage..

I even brushed his filthy hand off my butt twice!

And that’s not all. When I tried to adjust my position so that neither my back nor front will be directly facing him, he adjusted too(just so that he will be facing either my front or back…bloody chee koh pek.. im young enough to even be ur granddaughter sucker so now just go home and touch your granddaughter ok..


i was late for school today. no in fact im not the one late , dad was.
i was ready at 8am so i tot since dad is not working might as well ask him to fetch me to sch( he wasnt quite willing but who can resist my "sa jiao" LOL..whatever) ok anyway, dad then take his bloody own sweet time to bath and dress up.. so when i get into his car i told him dad arh pls speed and reach my sch in 10 mins.. but no lo, he still take his time.. reach sch in 15 mins and was marked late!!!!!!!!boooo.... i think thats how my dad show his unwillingness.. but i still lvoe my daddy!!!!

clubbing tonight! haven club with gfs in like a thousand yrs.. and this time is special BECAUSE apart from me using my own legal id, jayne is going!!!!! its the first time monsterteers actually club together! and all my gfs( monsterteers and jessica) will be there.. jayne's friend(ivan) is opening bottle.. and i bloody hell swear to jessica that i wun allow myself to get drunk... i hope all my gfS get drunk today so that i will have the chance to take care of them and also have the chance to laugh at them( just like how they laugh at me the previous time)HAHAHA. but well i really cant understand why i get drunk so easily nowadays, i used to hold my liquor rlly well leh.. i mean like RLLY RLLY WELL.. why now like that??? eeks..

posted by Jessamine @ 9:57 AM  
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