With sun in her eyes
Saturday, October 20, 2007
clubbing was so fun last night..

althou dancing when not high feels abit wierd.. and it feels super awkward when stranger guys tried to get close...
so i spent most of the time turning and switching places with the others.. LOL..
OH YA i remembered smth!!!!!!! i got sandwich between 2 make out couple( er hem!!!!) it was super funny!!!they were fucking purposely lo, i think they wan to have a make out marathon lo.. kns...
and pam tried to push me to dre's friend.. but no thanks pam, i like eating pork...
AHHAHAHHAHA.. in the end dre's friend pulled me out from the mess...

phuture closed and we proceed to main.. this time i drank... LUCKY i didnt drink earlier on( gave the coupon to pam n jess).. becos after 2 beer i actually feel a lil bit blur alrdy.. LOL... like wtf, i fucking cant drink for god sake lo.. main then shut and after which i sent jessica home.. i such a good friend=) and the taxi driver took a rlly big round( i know because we pass by ang moh kio and from my experience i never once pass by amk when i go home from zouk) to woodland, but i was too tired to say anything...
anyway jess, when i get drunk the next time round DONTE COMPLAIN because i did a great job taking care of u ok...althou i was the one who make u drunk.... LOL..

first training tmr at seletar.. WOOOOO im so excited! can u see can u see!!!???!!!

and jessica im a good __ right?! HAHA...
posted by Jessamine @ 7:52 PM  
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