i thought mayb i should rip my new yr resolution entry from my personal diary.. just in case if u guys are interested... otherwise, close the window..
Its the time of the year again... A new year comes New Year's Resolutions. I try not to make New Year's resolutions because i never seem to fulfil them or i put to much pressure on fulfilling them that they finally burst in my face and fling me back to were i started from HAHA... Ok I'm being a bit dramatic here, but i do have a few realistic goals this year...so here goes...
1.)TO BE MORE FILIAL esp to mom, dad and grandma 2.)TO TREAT MY DATE BETTER stop treating __ for granted.. stop screaming at him and stop making him apologize things that wasnt his fault.. *er hem.. ( this was written when we were still dating) 3.)TO HELP OUT WITH HOUSEHOLD CHORES.. hahahaa.. will start out small.. maybe cleaning my room? LOL.. 4.)TO STOP PROCRASTINATING... I do this on a daily basis, mostly when I'm supposed to be going to the gym or studying.. HAHA.. 5.)TO START PARTICIPATING IN VOLUNTEER WORK.. refer back to resolution no.4.. LOL.. 6.)TO EAT LESS CRAP FOOD AND START WORKING OUT.. again pls refer to resolution no.4.. HAHA... 7.)TO GO ON HOLIDAYS... i donte know where, but hongkong and thailand are a few tempting options on my list. I wouldn't mind going to batam/bintan/tioman/redang either...now i just need an excuse and money to go. 8.)TO CLUB LESS AND STOP GETTING WASTED... HAHAHHAAAAA.... 9.)TO SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! Ok you can stop rolling your eyes.. LOL... 10.)TO COMPLETE AT LEAST HALF OF THE NEW YR RESOLUTION LIST BY 2009.. think the first five of the resolutions are quite do-able.. so yeap.. we shall see..
mayb im getting matureold, cause i thought my resolutions for 2008 are pretty realistic.. mayb thats how it goes when one age.. LOL... mayb i donte know... HAHA...
in anyway, im fulfilling resolution number 5 and 7 soon=) yay.. two down and eight more to go...