With sun in her eyes
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

sch sucks and i hate it.. i cant wait to faster get it over and done with the stupid school..
find a reliable man, get married, have babies, raise the kids and die.. the end..
ok fine, i dunno what im talking about... my head is spinning like a spinner( donte ask me wad is a spinner i dunno too)
and my forehead is hot like an iron.. eye puffy like a puffer fish and lips is swollen..( ok when im about to fall sick, my lip becomes like angelina jolie.. sexy? hell yeah)

im typing rubbish.. pls ignore the above..
fuck im fainting...

39.2 degree.. yea im dying...

"donte ever make the same mistake tt i did,
because its too painful.. really painful" _ said.

hugs and tears as expected.. it sure was painful..
posted by Jessamine @ 10:13 AM  
Monday, October 29, 2007
emptiness with a mix of depression
and cigarette smoke has it's own euphoric
type of beauty about it. I'm not drowning in
self-pity, fuck self-pity, tragedy is beautiful.

Due to past experiences, I think that I now am
afraid of being in a relationship,
I'm insecure, cold, and afraid of happiness,
I think deserve so much more.

I have turned down a very very decent,
romantic and sweet guy this year, and joked to my
friends that I only date assholes,
and need "a guy that will hit back".

The parents' broken r/s destroyed me..
therefore I am condemned to a life
with terrible r/s.
posted by Jessamine @ 1:25 AM  
Friday, October 26, 2007
its a bad bad day....

i screwed both of my test ystd and today... super cannot make it..
gone case gone case.. arughhh.... another test on monday... and this time i MUST DO WELL!!!!!!!!

im so freaking not in a good mood... thanks to some moron...
guys are dumb... AND CHILDISH..
so u all think its funny???? so i will tell u all, its not ok... its fucking not!
eeks shant explain further..

AND i just bloody hell got electrocuted by the switch in the toilet...
KNS.. its just not my day la!

Halloween party cancelled..
1.)too late to borrow costume
2.)"gian" that pam is driving...
sat event is changed to shisha at Arab street and the highlight is that pam is driving!!!! yeah PAMELA is driving... yoo hooooo..

shall enjoy the "girls night out" at zouk later..
Rachel and i going thru similar situation together...
so lets toast to errrr "having same situation!"
i can actually predict that its going to be a drunk night...
arughh.. i just had my dinner and its damn unglam to vomit food... eeeeee...

dragonboat training tmr arh... LOVES!!!!!
posted by Jessamine @ 9:23 PM  
Thursday, October 25, 2007
"aiya, u r just another girl" guy j said...
and i started blabbering non stop, giving endless reason why im special..

1.)i dont whine..
2.)i still share bed with my dad..
3.)i secretly watch my dad slp..
4.)i can change light bulb..
5.)i give off a natural baby smell...
6.)i think that my dad is the best man alive..
6.)i have my period once a yr..(HAHA so if i ever get pregnant, i wont know till the baby is due)
7.)i like to prove "myth is myth" theory..(eg, by eating lots of pineapple when having period and eating dark soya sauce while having chicken pox)
8.)i like to sing in the shower..
9.)im afraid to slp alone..
10.)i sleep with the night light on..
11.)im the modern 21st century woman..
12.)i believe in shop till u drop..
12.)i spend my own money..( or rather my dad's money, AHHAA)
13.)i donte allow guys to sit/lie on my bed..
14.)neither do i allow them to stay over night at my place..
15.)i donte exchange number in club..
16.)i believe in drink till u drop..
17.)i eat chili like nobody business..
18.)i dislike submissive guys.. c mon be more dominant!
19.)i like bad boy...
20.)i treat my frens better than my bf..
21.)i like baking for my love ones..
22.)i like shopping alone..
23.)i cry easily when it rain..
24.)i donte like talking to boys...
25.)i think boys are stupid...
26.)but i still like boys..
27.)i donte regard a r/s that lasted less than a month a r/s..
28.)i like guys in boxers..
29.)i donte believe in equality..
30.)i believe in leaving the bill to the guys..

so on and so forth..

aiya, im rlly special(believe it or not) and not just the girl next door la.. why? cos i bloody hell say so! i cant believe i actually type such a long list of stupid stuff lo.. but they are all true..
and yeah weekend is here again.. db training on sat! i LIKE!

pam!!! Halloween costume how how how??? wheres our sexy nurse uniform??? LOL..
trick or treat? naughty or nice? haha..
posted by Jessamine @ 8:53 PM  

"Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can’t have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. And as tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most are those who don’t know what they want."

--Grey's Anatomy

posted by Jessamine @ 12:04 AM  
Saturday, October 20, 2007
clubbing was so fun last night..

althou dancing when not high feels abit wierd.. and it feels super awkward when stranger guys tried to get close...
so i spent most of the time turning and switching places with the others.. LOL..
OH YA i remembered smth!!!!!!! i got sandwich between 2 make out couple( er hem!!!!) it was super funny!!!they were fucking purposely lo, i think they wan to have a make out marathon lo.. kns...
and pam tried to push me to dre's friend.. but no thanks pam, i like eating pork...
AHHAHAHHAHA.. in the end dre's friend pulled me out from the mess...

phuture closed and we proceed to main.. this time i drank... LUCKY i didnt drink earlier on( gave the coupon to pam n jess).. becos after 2 beer i actually feel a lil bit blur alrdy.. LOL... like wtf, i fucking cant drink for god sake lo.. main then shut and after which i sent jessica home.. i such a good friend=) and the taxi driver took a rlly big round( i know because we pass by ang moh kio and from my experience i never once pass by amk when i go home from zouk) to woodland, but i was too tired to say anything...
anyway jess, when i get drunk the next time round DONTE COMPLAIN because i did a great job taking care of u ok...althou i was the one who make u drunk.... LOL..

first training tmr at seletar.. WOOOOO im so excited! can u see can u see!!!???!!!

and jessica im a good __ right?! HAHA...
posted by Jessamine @ 7:52 PM  
Friday, October 19, 2007

It is bad enough that I got stuck in a bus which is packed like sardine, but to have a guy who “innocently” tried to rest his hand on my butt is an outrage..

I even brushed his filthy hand off my butt twice!

And that’s not all. When I tried to adjust my position so that neither my back nor front will be directly facing him, he adjusted too(just so that he will be facing either my front or back…bloody chee koh pek.. im young enough to even be ur granddaughter sucker so now just go home and touch your granddaughter ok..


i was late for school today. no in fact im not the one late , dad was.
i was ready at 8am so i tot since dad is not working might as well ask him to fetch me to sch( he wasnt quite willing but who can resist my "sa jiao" LOL..whatever) ok anyway, dad then take his bloody own sweet time to bath and dress up.. so when i get into his car i told him dad arh pls speed and reach my sch in 10 mins.. but no lo, he still take his time.. reach sch in 15 mins and was marked late!!!!!!!!boooo.... i think thats how my dad show his unwillingness.. but i still lvoe my daddy!!!!

clubbing tonight! haven club with gfs in like a thousand yrs.. and this time is special BECAUSE apart from me using my own legal id, jayne is going!!!!! its the first time monsterteers actually club together! and all my gfs( monsterteers and jessica) will be there.. jayne's friend(ivan) is opening bottle.. and i bloody hell swear to jessica that i wun allow myself to get drunk... i hope all my gfS get drunk today so that i will have the chance to take care of them and also have the chance to laugh at them( just like how they laugh at me the previous time)HAHAHA. but well i really cant understand why i get drunk so easily nowadays, i used to hold my liquor rlly well leh.. i mean like RLLY RLLY WELL.. why now like that??? eeks..

posted by Jessamine @ 9:57 AM  
Monday, October 15, 2007

"I used to tell myself to never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously you never get hurt and if you never get hurt you always have fun."

its raining out there and i desperately need a warm hug=(
i will go hug my Minnie..
and its napping time!

posted by Jessamine @ 3:15 PM  
i study in an igloo..
i haven been feeling well these days.. immune system down.. boooo...
and being used to sleeping in an air condition room doesnt help.. and usually before i sleep, i always make sure that im fully covered with the blanket but god knows why every morning the blanket would be on the floor.. sometimes i think my blanket walk.. LOL..

i always forget to bring my jacket along with me when i go to school.. which then result in me trembling during lesson which of cos then led to a cold.. *ah chiew!( hey i rlly sneezed!) BUT LUCKILY and usually my classmates will be nice enough to lend me theirs.. HOWEVER, the air conditioner in sch can be pretty sucky.. like it can be very very cold and even one jacket is not enough... as if we live in an igloo lo..

guess i can only put the blame on me( ahaha akon!) for not wearing extra clothing..both in sch or at home.. boohooo..

sch sucks.. i wish that i can donte go sch tmr.. but ya lo i can only wish!
posted by Jessamine @ 1:34 AM  
Sunday, October 14, 2007
the forth celebration for my 18th bdae...
it was a surprise celebration, gary(er hem gary, psp arh remember) appeared at my door step at midnight and told me that he was sorry that i wasnt happy on the previous celebration at chimes bla bla bla and told me that there wasnt even any proper cake. after which a birthday cake was brought out and there came jh, jm,estee and cs. oh gosh surprise! that was really touching.. think the effort of everyone who purposely come down to my hse at midnight ! with jm and cs were playing ard with that pleasuremax condom from the sex envelope, threw it ard( causing my floor to stain with the lubricant,kns) and ended it by filling it with water and threw it down the flat.. LOL.. followed by magic performance by jm... it was ahha hilarious..

gary and gf left because gary was deadbeat.. .then we slack ard my hse, then cs suggested, steamboat( yeah steamboat at 3 am).. so we cab down to bugis for steamboat and then mustafa.. bought perfume-S.. LOL.. lastly cs sent everyone home with cab..

anyway nice surprise guys! thanks a million..
posted by Jessamine @ 5:43 PM  
Friday, October 12, 2007
it was good, mayb not so because i caught a cold and fall ill on the eve of my birthday.. what a wonderful present ya? nahhh the wonderful-est( yes i know, no such word) is my friends! your presence is my present ya??

Party like a rockstar

at least not on days when theres sch tmr...

gary, jh, jm, morven and dongheng were present for dinner ...
received wine, dinner, dozen donuts, make over and company for presents...
1.)2 sips of wine , becos im a WEAK drinker( and i mean rlly weak)..

2.)donuts were eaten by the guys, cos i think they haven eaten for days.. haha no la.. kidding..

- i swear it was quite a sight seeing 4 big guys stuffing their face with the donuts outside the club

3.)unlimited amount of hugs from jh and pt..
4.)pt offered free make over at her counter..

for a moment i tot i was rlly laughing until jm ask me "hey why ur smile so stiff one", then i reply NATURALLY( w/o me realizing it) " cos im not happy what". THEN pt, joab , tiffany and cs joined us at mos. yes i know, im still not officially legal to enter yet but i still managed to enter cos jh signed me me in under guest list. drank sips of alcohol in da club, not even a glass cos again weak drinker..LOL.. Saw quite a couple of crazy stuffs over at the club.. like the Filipino girl who went around banging people with her boob, the 2 guys + 1 girl who danced like barbarians and HAHA, 1 ex bf.. and now i know how funny i must have look like when i was drunk, cos pt got high and was practically laughing her bloody ass off at every( i mean EVERY) single thing.. which is, yeah quite funny and er shld i say entertaining? and the next day... my foot were hurting like crazy, eyes were red and were tired like fuck fuck fuck...


despite the tiredness, i dragged myself to school and i didnt regret it because CG surprised me with 2 home baked birthday Hawaiian pizzas .. you xin le! and it taste superb.. everyone was saying that he can consider venturing into the pizza industry.. LOL.. and not forgetting lots of wishes from the class.. how sweet=) i was so scared that cg is going to plan smth major.. but nope, phhwww... i got cold feet when he told me how he pranked his ex classmate on their birthday the other day.. lovely class i will say.. Patricia's birthday happens to fall on the same day as mine... so happy birthday Patricia!

Monsterteers(my love)
monsterteers weren’t able to join me for my birthday dinner, which is the spoiler of the whole bdae celebration. I was rlly disappointed.. not disappointed with them but rather disappointed that they couldn’t join me. Rlly, the monsterteers are important. Sean was in cahoots with monsterteers, and the next day they( plus my dearest last semester classmates) came into my class during the second break and presented me with muffins, cakes and present!!!! The present was rlly rlly rlly rlly adorable I love it, I wun be wearing it( too cute and precious to be wore) but im definitely going to take pic in it! HAHA.. jayne n I love panties pic.lol.. jayne was rlly sweet to send me a birthday song (via sms) which she sang herself, it was abit out of tune..but the nonetheless the effort is recognized!!!!! HAHA..

posted by Jessamine @ 8:17 PM  
Monday, October 8, 2007

girls that i love and girls whom i assumed love me..
thats all i need. they brought tons of love and laughter into my life.

ok i know what i want my my bdae alrdy! wrap the 3 of them up and give it to me.
mayb add a ribbon or two=)
posted by Jessamine @ 2:56 PM  
Saturday, October 6, 2007
i hate birthday...

im still deciding on what to do on my birthday...
mayb i just just pretend that my birthday is not here and skip school on Friday because cg says that he is going to "celebrate" my bdae (in which i heard is to blindfold me and push me into the swimming pool and followed by drowning me with vodka which im gonna die from because im such a lousy drinker)and join my family for house visiting on my actual bdae because my bdae falls on hari raya this yr and every hari raya we visit our malay relatives.

and all i wan for my birthday is to be happy.
and thats it, nth more.
posted by Jessamine @ 11:01 PM  
Thursday, October 4, 2007
cg is funny and likes to "chiong".. and the one to avoid on bdae..
greg is sometimes funny..sometimes emo..
sean cai, hmmm clone of chunhong?
sean marcus tan, still as crazy or mayb crazier..
michelle sporty safra db girl.. ( im an ex rp db girl.. LOL)
munirah, sweet girl and a dancer..
aqila, hip hop dancer..
aminah's stylo milo..
harry is hardworking( i suppose so)
ziwei loves loves pink( and hello kitty)
khai , super mario anyone?
jonathan, err not much impression..guai guai boy..
p... i think its patricia.. i cant remember her name.. sporty and bball player..
nahh, im no stalker.. i just enjoy observing ppl.. it creeps me out sometimes thou..

thats only about half of the class.. i couldnt remember the other half.. LOL..
so much for sincerity.. LOL..

AND so, im lying on top of my big pile of clothes now..
was throwing/clearing out some clothes and am too lazy to place the others back..
maria pls! LOL.. shut up jess..
i think cg is right.. we are crazy.. no no no, i still refuse to accept tt..

upcoming events
sec sch gathering...
w64k class outing...
cupcake making session..
meet up with yeing and vin...
meet up with wx...
wakeboarding, cable ski in batam...

things to do
study for the upcoming uts..(which i happen to be having tmr, and im only 3/4 done)
transfer moola to the spree organizer..
do smth to the bursting cupboard

i think im gonn fail the saving part... i need my sugar daddy...
in which the daddy refer to my daddy.. real blood related dad.
he will be back on monday morning..
posted by Jessamine @ 9:25 PM  
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
i hate to say this but i think i hate b.
plain annoying, naggy and awfully unappreciative..
i hate ppl who doesnt appreciate and those who take things for granted.


ystd was spend attending school, doing online shopping( again!), followed by the interview workshop after sch with jess.
interesting i will say.
the beginning was boring however half way thru the beginning it got pretty interesting..
dinner with bro, his gf and dad ended the day.

dad is away at bali, no good.
my face is peeling, no good..
shopping at vivo with wx, good.
talking to wx, good.
tanning by the beach, good.
looking tan, good.
posted by Jessamine @ 9:25 PM  
Monday, October 1, 2007
too poor. too much online sprees.. and earlier on, i was still discussing with the spree coordinator on how shiok it is to join overseas spree because of the low price and not bad quality. but rlly la, with the amount of money i can only buy a few clothes in singapore but in overseas spree i can get twice the amount of clothes with the same amount of moola..the only downside is that it usually take 1-2 months for the clothes to be ship in and all.. but its all worth it in the end i guess?? i shall cross my finger.

(Operating system concept) C122 u.t on thurs and (systems analysis and design)C202 ut on fri, yeap its back to back.. arugh.. i rlly need to do well this semester.. throat is still painful.. oh shit, i forgot to take medicine today! ok bye im gonna take my medicine and then shall read up on C122 and C202 before i slp..
posted by Jessamine @ 9:24 PM  
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